8 min read

Deviation Actions

Akela-Nakamura's avatar
Tagged by IcarusLeonardo *Mumbles bad words*


Choose 6 (original if you want) characters:

I don't even think I have 6 OC's. Like seriously, I have like, 2. Nerida and Nabi. That's it. And their from TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. (Percy Jackson and Naruto, respectively.) I think I'm just gonna make people up, and then forget about their existence. Bear with me.

1. Nerida
2. Nabi (Why the hell not?)
3. Zander
4. Kanzie
5. Taz
6. Larissa

1. Everyone has been stranded on a deserted island. How do they react?

2. 1 (Nerida) and 4 (Kanzie)  are chosen to gather food,  2 (Nabi) and 5 (Taz) are chosen to make camp, and 3 (Zander) and 6 (Larissa) have been assigned to be co-leaders.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" Nerida burst out. As a daughter of Poseidon, the whole stranded-on-an-island-with-no-way-off thing had never seemed to be an issue. Now, the water in the surrounding ocean refused to obey her will and she could only go fifty yards offshore before she could no longer breathe underwater.

"Come on." Kanzie rolled her eyes. They were supposed to be gathering food, but miss-master-of-the-ocean was too ticked off to care. They wandered off, Nerida fuming.

"I'm sorry!" Nabi burst out, red hair flying about around her. "But I don't think that's a good idea! We need to survive, not waste our time trying to get our damn cell phones to work!"

Taz, completely addicted to her phone, frowned bitterly at the message on her screen. "No Service Found." "How can we survive without Facebook? Or Twitter? Or Tumblr? Without online shopping? I refused to wear the same outfit for weeks."

"So, how do we, um, do this "leader" thing?" Zander asked, his hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Larissa fiddled with her fingers.

"I don't really know." She said. "Just try to keep people from hurting each other?"

3. 1 (Nerida) and 4 (Kanzie) find a banana tree, but while picking the fruit, a tiger shows up, how do 1 and 4 react?

"Woohoo, banana's." Nerida mumbled. She didn't like the fruit, but it was better than nothing. Kanzie blew a bubble, her gum had survived this far, though Nerida wasn't sure how. She turned, and saw the golden eyes of a tiger eyeing up Kanzie, who was oblivious. "Look out!"

4. The tiger strikes at 4 (Kanzie), cutting them badly, and knocking them from the tree. How does 1 (Nerida) react?

Kanzie stumbled backwards, turned to run, but the tiger was on her. The tiger scratched her back up.

5. Some how 1 (Nerida) manages to save 4 (Kanzie), but they're losing blood to fast. What does 1 do?

Nerida slams the tiger with a fallen branch, the tiger growls, lunges, but after another swipe from the branch, takes off. Nerida unties the sweatshirt around her waist and quickly tries to stop the bleeding. "Don't die on me, girl."

6. 2 (Nabi) and 5 (Taz) have finished camp, do 3 (Zander) and 6 (Larissa) want them to scout out the area, stay and guard, or split up? (if no one scouts, continue to 7, otherwise skip it)

"We're done." Nabi announced, eyeing up Taz with distaste. Taz was still sniffling over her phone. Nabi had thrown it into the ocean.

"Cool," Zander said. "Where are the other girls? Nabi and Kanzie?"

"We should look for them." Larissa said quietly. She had a way of knowing when things were going to go bad.

"Yeah, Zander, come with me to find them?" Nabi asked. No way was she going to tramp around the island with miss-phone-lover.


7. No matter what 1 attempts, they cannot save 4, how do they break the news. (disregard anything to do with 4 now and skip 8)

8. Whoever has decided to scout the area (Zander and Nabi.) finds 1 and 4 (Nerida and Kanzie). The pair are able to save Kanzie, and manage to bring them back to camp. (If someone stayed at camp, skip 9)

"I don't know what's taking them so long." Zander muttered.

"Nor do-" She stopped dead, seeing a bleeding Kanzie on the ground, with Nerida's desperate eyes focused on her. "Nerida!"

"Oh thank the gods." Nerida said. "We were attacked by a tiger," She explained. Together, they stopped the blood flow and made improvised bandages out of Nerida's ruined sweatshirt.

9. While the camp was abandoned, monkeys invaded and tore everything apart, how does the group react? (skip 10)

10. 1, 4 (Nerida and Kanzie), and whoever was with them (Nabi and Zander) return to camp safely, Kanzie needs to stay at camp for the rest of the day, and Nerida has volunteered to stay with them. 2 and 3 (Nabi and Zander) decide to find water, while 5 and 6 (Taz and Larissa) begin to build weapons. Are the weapons crude, expertly crafted, or somewhere in between.

While Kanzie rested, Taz showed that she couldn't make a spear to save her life, while Larissa showed that being sweet and quiet didn't mean you couldn't make an awesome weapon. Her spears and the bow and arrow she made were amazing.

11. 2 and 3 (Nabi and Zander) search for a long time. They find water, but by then it's beginning to get dark. how do the pair react?

"Finally, water." Zander bends down and fills several odd containers-including a condom-full of water from the small clear stream they've found.

"Hurry, who knows what lurks around after dark." Nabi said, looking out for the golden eyes of a cat. She carried a spear, and knew how to use it. Zander nodded, and together, they head back carefully in the dark.

12. 5 (Taz) goes to find 2 and 3 (Nabi and Zander) since they have been gone so long. but while they are alone, 5 is attacked by a panther, when 2 and 3 rush in to help, are they successful in defeating the panther? (If they are, go to 14)

Taz stumbled through the twilight forest, cursing every dark root that wished to trip her. Why did she have to go after them? They were probably necking in the woods anyway. She froze at the sound of a low growl, she turned to see the panther slink out of the tall grass. She screamed.

Hearing the sound, Nabi and Zander rush towards it, spear ready. Rushing into the small clearing, they see a panther tearing into taz. With a quick, sharp move, Nabi dispatches the cat.

13. The panther kills 3 and 5, forcing 2 to run away. How do they tell the others? (disregard anything to do with 5 and 3, skip 14 and 14.5)

14. No matter what, 5 (Taz) is dying. What are their last words?

"Taz!" Zander presses his shirt to the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. Nabi looks at the pale face of a girl she didn't much care for, and sees the light fading from her eyes.

"I, I just wanted off this stupid island." Taz's eyes fixed, and saw no more.

14.5. Turns out the panther was protecting a kitten. Do 3 and 2 (Nabi and Zander) take it in?

"I'll keep it." Nabi said, curling the kitten up into her sweatshirt's large middle pocket.

15. 2 and 3 (Nabi and Zander) return, saddened by their loss. 6 (Larissa) decides to become sole leader, do they have support?

"Yeah, you've got our support." The group nods.

16. Larissa tries to make a signal to passing ships by hanging a piece of glass (don't ask where they got it), do the others have faith in this idea?

"If it gets us off this damn island of doom, then go for it. " Nerida says, supporting a weak kanzie.

17. Turns out a mirror's reflection of sunlight can be seen past the horizon (true facts!) the remainder of the group are rescued, how does this experience effect them?

In the weeks after the event, Kanzie is slowly regaining her strength, but may never be the same.

Nerida has once again taken off, an enigma in some desolate part of a broken city. She has not contacted any of the group, but sometimes gets updates on Kanzie's condition and has flowers put on Taz's grave.

Larissa and Zander are now inseparable, and have been helping each other move past the trauma.

Nabi never fails to put flowers on Taz's grave and has used the experience to help her become a stronger person. She tries not to judge someone based on their addiction to social media now.

Taz is still dead.

Don't expect to see taz, Kanzie, Larissa, or Zander anywhere. I made them up on the spot.
© 2014 - 2024 Akela-Nakamura
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IcarusLeonardo's avatar
Fantastic. My friend Falcon would like to know why the hell they brought a condom of all things on a deserted island instead of something more useful.