
Ghostfire Part 4

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Akela-Nakamura's avatar

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Things went wrong the instant the Underworld faded from their view. Shadow travel was not for the weak stomached in normal circumstances. It was fast, cold, and dark. But it was usually a smooth ride.

Leo felt something was wrong instantly. The shadows seemed to lurch, jumping and bucking like a wild Pegasus. The cold was more like ice now, creeping fingers that slid under clothes, prickled beneath the skin and settled on the bone. The dark pressed in, a living being with malice so acute Leo could almost taste it.

He gripped Nico’s hand tighter, just as Nico did the same. The shadows pulled like dull thorns, trying to get ahold of them. Nico was doing all he could to keep them at bay, Leo knew, but it wasn’t enough. The dulled claws sharpened as Nico’s powers took their toll.

Don’t let go.” A voice whispered in his mind. He was pretty sure it was Nico but with the shadows roaring in his ear, it was hard to tell. The shadows ripped and shred, claws like needles, cold and sharp cut hundreds of shallow cuts.

The cold seeped into his lungs, and made it hard to breath. It was like suffocating in the dark. Fear exploded in him. He would die in the dark, in the shadows between the Underworld and the living world. His soul would go to the Underworld, and then be devoured by the dark mist. He didn’t want to die.

Panic, fueled by fear, had him kicking blindly in the dark.

Stop moving!” A voice snapped. Nico, Leo thought desperately. He wasn’t alone. They’d get out of this, they had to.

Nico was the master of the dark. He stilled himself, breathing shallowly, hoping to all the gods they made it out of this. The spun, and twisted until Leo had no idea which way was up. It was like a crazy roller coaster ride, with no seats, no safety belt. They slammed against solid black, voices whispered and scraped in the dark, they sounded gleeful.

Then they were falling, and Leo slammed into the ground. He recognized the solid, real ground beneath him before he passed out.

He came to seconds later. Pushing himself up, he looked around. It was after noon, and they were in the middle of the forest, somewhere. Dizzy, Leo stumbled back a few steps before gaining his balance.

“Nico?” He called realizing he couldn’t see him. He heard a groan, and a few curses from his left. Charging through the trees, he found Nico, sprawled on his back, pale as the moon, with blood streaming from his nose. Leo summoned a cloth from his tool belt, pressed it to Nico’s nose. Nico focused dark eyes on him.

“So, shadow travel seems to be out.” Nico made a sound like a growl. “Any idea what happened?” Nico pressed the cloth to his nose, and sat up, effectively pushing Leo’s hand out of the way. “Where are we?” Rolling his eyes when Nico remained silent, Leo pulled some nectar out of his bag-that had somehow stayed with him-and gave it to Nico, who drank some without a word. “By the gods, Nico, say something.”

“I don’t know what happened. The shadows fought back.” Leo made a sound, something like a cat being trod on. “As for where we are, I’m not sure. It was the only way we could go without being torn to shreds.”

“That’s always a bonus.” Leo remarked, putting the nectar away. He stood, holding out a hand for Nico, who’s broken nose was on the mend, thanks to the nectar. Nico took it and stood. “Why don’t we figure out where we are?”

“You have got to be kidding me.” Nico said. Leo secretly agreed. Of all the places to land, why here? They looked over the camp, not Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter, but Crystal Lake, the Camp that the Friday the Thirteenth movies were shot at.

“Wait,” Leo said. “How do you Jason?” Nico gave him a strange look.

“Maybe because I went on a quest with him.”

“No, no.” Leo shook his head. “Jason of Crystal Lake, you know, crazy killer Jason?” Nico looked confused.

“Jason Voorhees, Friday the Thirteenth?” Nico still looked blank. “Why did you say ‘you’ve got to be kidding me’ if you don’t even know Voorhees?”

“Because, I was hoping we’d end up at Camp Jupiter anyway, but it sends us to this Camp.” Nico explained.

“Ah.” Leo nodded. “Okay. So. What now?”

“We go down, find a ride, and hopefully get on our way.”

“Whoa, whoa!” Leo said when Nico started down to the camp. “We can’t just walk into this camp. Let’s go a different way, find a town.”

“It’s a camp, where they shot a movie. Let’s go Leo.” Nico said impatiently. Leo followed with trepidation. He’d watched the movies, and they never failed to freak him out. Being here, on the site, made him think every shadow was alive.

Which, of course, with recent events, wasn’t entirely out of the ballpark of reality.


The camp was unoccupied, which only added to Leo’s fears. Nico was unfazed.

“Maybe there’s something here.” Nico said.

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing happens in a quest without a reason.”

“Okay. But what does the Summer Camp of Death have to do with it?”

“Shut up and look around Valdez.”

“Fine.” Leo walked off, and found himself closer to the lake than he intended. Trapped now because Nico was looking in the buildings, Leo looked at the dock. A quick, overview, a quick peak at the boats, and mission accomplished.

He stepped onto the dock with the same care a man might take if he was worried about a bomb or traps. He walk to the canoe, found it clear. Looked at the speed boat, finding it and the pile of tarps, life vests and other water type things clear. Almost at ease, Leo turned his back and started to walk back to shore.

And heard the water rise, a wet foot step onto the dock. Turning slowly, Leo faced the
hockey masked face that was Jason Voorhees.

“Nico!” Leo yelled dodging a machete swing.
Whoo. Finally. I've been slacking on this. Sorry guys! Enjoy.

Oh, and this'll make sense later. I know it seems random now, but I promise it'll make more sense. ^^
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sophia242t's avatar
Is there a fifth one please say yes